The Clay Country Training and Work Centre (TAWC) at St. Dennis opened its doors to invite St. Dennis Old Cornwall Society to show old photographs of St Dennis at its Open Day on Saturday 16th May 2015. Jennifer Fouracres from the St. Denys & District OCS approached with a request to supply photographs from its collection. Working with Jenny, over thirty photographs were selected for display.

Images captured
The open day was successful with many visitors admiring the photographs which were also displayed on the big video screen in ClayTAWC‘s Trelavour Room.

Volunteers show visitors the website
Visitors also took the opportunity to explore the web site for film, audio and images of St. Dennis and the surrounding villages.
Many thanks to TAWC St Dennis and the St Dennis Old Cornwall Society for giving us this opportunity to demonstrate our work.
Our next event will be at the Royal Cornwall Show; please come and find us with your own collections or to just enjoy the material: images, audio and footage that we will have on display. Look out for our trailer!
Azook CIC is a not for profit organisation, please visit our Home Page if you would like to donate and support this very important heritage preservation work.