This was a memory inspired film project that helped people explore their cultural identity through a series of film shows about the history of the China Clay industry.
The project began in November and December 2011, when ‘memory shops’ were held in several of the clay villages and people’s memories were recorded by veteran BBC radio presenter Ted Gundry.
Film footage of the china clay industry, dating from the 1930s to the 1970s, was then incorporated with the recorded memories and archive photographs to provide a community film show, which was screened during February and March 2012. Five film shows were held at community venues in the clay area. The premiere night was held in the Bell Theatre, St Stephen in Brannel School, where audiences also enjoyed music provided by the Imerys Mid Cornwall Choir.
The film played to a full house at every venue, with over one thousand people attending the events. Extra seating was needed at St. Dennis Working men’s Club and at Trewoon Village Hall to meet demand.
The film show was made possible through collaboration with Wheal Martyn China Clay Museum and Country Park, the China Clay History Society and with support from South West Sceen (now Creative England). The final film show was hosted by the Eden Project.